The Mythos of the Tooth Fairy
Today’s National Tooth Fairy Day. The mythos of the tooth fairy dates back to the 1920’s. A group of healthcare folks wanted to encourage kids to better oral hygiene and used various advertisements and health classes to do so. Part Read More…

Today is National Potato Day, a day I know my friend and fellow author Jesikah Sundin enjoys. Oddly enough, potatoes are featured frequently in SF/F tales. They outlast apocalypses and feed hungry hobbits. As a child, I developed an allergy Read More…

Chenata Update
If you saw my post several weeks back about my new dragon, Chenata, you saw him in his unfinished state. This past Sunday, I went into Two Birds Tattoo for round two and had him finished up. You all–Suzy is Read More…

May the 4th Be with You!
If you’re looking for something geeky to do this weekend, otherwise known as Star Wars Weekend (May the 4th, Revenge of the 5th, etc.), then drive down to Puyallup for the Geek Craft Market! I’ll be there with Books & Read More…

ECCC Schedule
I’ll be at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle this Thursday, March 14th – Sunday, March 17th. I’m injured, so I’ll be rolling around to my panels and autographing on a scooter, but feel free to say hello if you see Read More…

This weekend is GeekGirlCon in Seattle! I’ve got two panels, and I’m vending at Booth 703 with Books & Chains! SATURDAY SCHEDULE (10/27): 10 AM – 2:30 PM — Booth 703 w/ Books & Chains 2:30-3:30 PM — FROM BUFFY Read More…

The Beginning of the End?
It looks like GeekGirlCon will be my last event this year after an announcement this morning cancelling Anglicon 2018. I don’t know if this is the beginning of the end for the con, but the announcement gave me a serious case of Read More…

Win a coloring book!
You could win a coloring book! I don’t know about you, but I love coloring. It’s relaxing. There’s a certain zen that happens when I’m coloring, even more when I’m drawing, which is why I’m excited to share this coloring Read More…

Norwescon 41 Wrap-Up
This is your Norwescon 41 Wrap-Up! I can’t believe it’s already time for Norwescon! Or at least, I couldn’t believe that last week when I was scrambling to get ready for it. For the first time in 5 years, I Read More…

Emerald City Comicon Wrap-Up
It’s time for your Emerald City Comicon Wrap-Up! For the first time in years, I was not a panelist at Emerald City Comicon–this time by choice as I wanted to cut back on my convention schedule after last year’s event calendar. Read More…