Raven Oak


"I've been making up stories since I could talk. I get to make shit up for a living! How cool is that?"

A raven looking right. Author photo of Raven OakMulti-international award-winning speculative fiction author Raven Oak (they/them) is best known for their epic fantasy Boahim Trilogy and their space opera, Class-M Exile. They have over two dozen short stories published in anthologies and collections, and they're even published on the moon! Raven spent most of their K-12 education doodling and writing 500 page monstrosities that are forever locked away in a filing cabinet. Besides being a writer and artist, they're a geeky, disabled ENBY who enjoys getting their game on with tabletop games, indulging in cartography and art, or staring at the ocean. They live in the Seattle area with their wife, and their three kitties who enjoy lounging across the keyboard when writing deadlines approach. Their hair color changes as often as their bio does.


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News From the Blog

  • Advertisement for the Strong Women Strange Worlds event with Raven Oak and other authors Strong Women Strange Worlds - I will be a guest over on the Strong Women – Strange Worlds show on Thursday, 9/19 @ 7 PM EDT along with fellow authors J. L. Delavega, Marisa Wolf, Catherine LaCroix, K. A. Hough, & Marcie Rendon. Come join Read More...
  • Truth Tuesday Hate is a Choice - Truth is… I have ZERO tolerance for using slurs in nonfiction in order to demonstrate something occurred in the past.   As someone who has written a memoir, I’m aware that some words and actions that may have been acceptable Read More...
  • Book cover for the anthology Interdimensions: Stories from the Gen Con Writers' Symposium Interdimensions - I’m not sure how but in all the chaos that was the release of Voices Carry, I managed to miss posting on here about a short story publication! My short story, “Eye of the Beholder,” which I co-wrote with author Read More...
  • A picture of a tooth wearing a crown for National Tooth Fairy Day The Mythos of the Tooth Fairy - Today’s National Tooth Fairy Day. The mythos of the tooth fairy dates back to the 1920’s. A group of healthcare folks wanted to encourage kids to better oral hygiene and used various advertisements and health classes to do so. Part Read More...
  • A photo of a basket of potatoes saying National Potato Day. It also asks what's your favorite food involving potatoes. Potatoes! - Today is National Potato Day, a day I know my friend and fellow author Jesikah Sundin enjoys. Oddly enough, potatoes are featured frequently in SF/F tales. They outlast apocalypses and feed hungry hobbits. As a child, I developed an allergy Read More...
  • Story Hour with Raven Oak and Michael Conley Story Hour! - Along with Michael Conley, I was a guest on Story Hour last night, where I read a short story from my Dragon Springs & Other Things short story collection. I read the story with the same name as the collection, which features a young tinkerer Read More...
