A Book Walks Into a Publishing House – RAVEN OAK

A Book Walks Into a Publishing House

joyJoy to the Worlds got two more reviews recently. One of them begins with, “So an undead hunting party, a spaceship whodunnit, and a cursed family walk into a publishing house…” Quite fitting for Joy to the Worlds. You can click the review sites’ names for the full reviews.

The twists and turns will leave you gasping for breath and looking forward to the next cliffhanger. 4 out of 5 stars.
Masquerade Crew Reviews

…Pour some egg nog, snuggle in beside the Christmas tree, and get lost somewhere in the wonderland that is ‘Joy to the Worlds’; just keep an eye out for any rogue Christmas decorations or suspicious crew members first.
What Is That Book About? Review

book news amaskan's bloodAmaskan’s Blood is still a finalist in the EPIC Awards. I don’t know when they will announce the winners but you’ll know as soon as I know. In other book news, Joy to the Worlds is a finalist anthology in the Foreword Review Awards. YAY!

I’m swamped beyond belief with home repairs and unpacking, on top of writing and editing. I’m behind on my deadlines but at least know that I’m working my tail end off!

Sadly, the We Are All SF con has been cancelled this year due to financial difficulties. It would have been my first experience as a Guest of Honor, so I’m sad to see it cancelled. The organizers are going to aim for 2017 so we’ll see what happens. My apologies to anyone who planned to attend.

Have a great week & Write On!

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