A Covid Christmas – RAVEN OAK

A Covid Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the house
everybody had Covid…


So my eye injury is still healing and my laptop’s repaired, but at the end of November, I caught Covid. The one time I left my house for a medical appointment. It will be a while before I resume updates, writing, and the comic, as I seem to have the “long Covid” in terms of symptoms and fatigue.

I’m doing okay though and wanted to touch base with everyone to wish you all a HAPPY HOLIDAY, whatever it is you celebrate.

My Old Lady

This is a picture of me when I was I think four? at my paternal grandmother’s house for Christmas. The doll, which I called “My Old Lady,” was from my maternal grandmother or the Mexican/Italian side of the family. I know we can’t all be with family due to the pandemic, but I hope you are all making memories none-the-less. <3


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