A-Z Challenge & Theme – RAVEN OAK

A-Z Challenge & Theme

Yes, yes, my writing buddy Leetah Begallie managed to rope me into the A-Z Challenge for April (as if I didn’t have enough on my plate!). I figure I could use a little reflection amidst the chaos.

A-Z Challenge Theme Reveal

For my A-Z Challenge, you can expect a Hodge-Podge of Influences & Wayward Treks through the Fantastical.

In other words, what:

  • makes me me as a writer
  • influences me in profound ways
  • is beautiful in my world
  • drives me crazy

I’m not going to list my entire A-Z list here, but some of what you can expect to see me chatting about are science fiction Grand Master Connie Willis, Hayao Miyazaki, Vincent Van Gogh, and Dragons!

If you’re not familiar with how this works, I’ll be writing about an alphabetical topic of my choosing every day except Sunday in the month of April.

Enjoy the ride!


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