Book Cover Throwback: Magician Master – RAVEN OAK

Book Cover Throwback: Magician Master

To follow up last week’s Magician Apprentice, this week’s Book Cover Throwback: Magician Master, also by Raymond E. Feist. Both books were bound together originally as one book titled simply Magician, which I owned after I read them separately. (I also wrote about this in my Flashback Friday here.)

Magician Master by Raymond E. Feist Book CoverWhat I Love about this Cover: It’s electrifying! 😉 Puns aside, Pug looks like he means business. And the electricity around him is a nice contrast to the blue sky.

What I Don’t Love about this Cover: His shoes. Petty, I know, but I don’t like them.

Click here to view other Book Cover Throwbacks.

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