Book Cover Throwback: Weyrworld – RAVEN OAK

Book Cover Throwback: Weyrworld

This week’s Book Cover Throwback is from Anne McCaffrey.

There’s something about an old school book cover that just makes me sing. One of my favorite hobbies as a child was crawling through the oldest parts of libraries and finding the coolest old book covers.

I love digital photography and art, don’t get me wrong, but there’s something about old school painting that just does it for me. (That’s one of the reasons why the cover of Amaskan’s Blood is painted! Cover reveal coming soon, by the way.)

In honor of my love of old covers, I’m going to start a new Throwback Thursday post series called Book Cover Throwback. And I’m kicking it off with one of my favorite’s by the great, Michael Whelan: Weyrworld.

Weyrworld by Michael Whelan

Weyrworld by Michael Whelan. Was used as the cover for Anne McCaffrey‘s All the Weyrs of Pern.

Want to view other Book Cover Throwbacks? Click here to see the list in this series.

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