Emerald City Comicon

Emerald City Comicon Wrap-Up

It’s time for your Emerald City Comicon Wrap-Up!

For the first time in years, I was not a panelist at Emerald City Comicon–this time by choice as I wanted to cut back on my convention schedule after last year’s event calendar. In fact, I wasn’t even going to fight the crowds and attend ECCC until they announced David Tennant as a guest.

David Tennant was my first Doctor and is my favorite Doctor, not to mention how much I enjoyed him in Broadchurch, the DuckTales reboot, Jessica Jones, and Harry Potter. Considering my love of his acting, I was bound for ECCC! Then they announced that Billie Piper would be there as well, and I was absolutely sold! I didn’t go the full weekend as I had other plans, but what I did attend was quite enjoyable.

One of the panels I really enjoyed was The Darker Side of Fantasy, which covered grimdark, dark fantasy, and everything in between. The panelists were Ed McDonaldR.A. SalvatoreTodd LockwoodCherie PriestDelilah DawsonJosh Malerman, and Jesse Bullington. The picture below isn’t the best picture–I was further back–but there they all are!
Dark Fantasy Panel

I greatly enjoyed listening to them discuss the light hidden within most dark fantasy and the purpose of writing about such topics. After this panel, I ran into my friend Olivia, who was cosplaying Jareth, the Goblin King from Labyrinth.

Jareth Finds a TARDIS

I also went to a panel on storytelling with Patrick Rothfuss, Molly Lewis, Anne Wheaton, and Jonathan Coulton, which was phenomenal. I really enjoying listening to them talk about the ways they write when they don’t want to write, or the ways that they are creative at the most mundane and boring times. That’s something I can completely identify with!Storytelling Panel Storytelling Panel

The highlight of my weekend was getting a photo with David Tennant and Billie Piper with my friend Elise. Afterwards, I got David to autograph it while we chatted a bit about DuckTales. The original series was something I watched religiously as a child. My husband and I will often sing the theme song in the car because why not? To see it rebooted and David voicing Scrooge McDuck is pretty amazing.


Me with David Tennant and others

I tend to do my roam of Artist Alley, the Writers’ Block, and the Dealer’s Room in the AM because it’s less crowded and the cosplayers are a bit fresher in their costumes because they haven’t been sweating in them all day. Here are a few pics of some cosplay that I found awesome.

I saw these kids cosplaying from the movie IT several times before managing a picture. The one playing IT is creepy. He managed that stare very, very well.

IT cosplay

This Weeping Angel (Doctor Who) was too awesome not to get a photo.Weeping Angel Cosplay

This group of cosplayers from The Walking Dead had folks snapping pictures of them every time I saw them!

Walking Dead cosplay

This chimera (Nina Tucker) from Fullmetal Alchemist was so good! There were two cosplayers with them dressed up as alchemists, but I didn’t get a shot of them. Just seeing this cosplay made me tear up though. I remember that episode very well. 🙁 Chimera

This cosplay was genius! Definitely one of the funniest Star Wars cosplays I’ve seen.Porg for sale

This Totoro was one of my favorite cosplays of the convention. <3Totoro cosplayThanos, carrying the head of Tony Stark (Ironman)Thanos cosplayThis Captain America variation as Captain Canada made me laugh way too much.Captain Canada These two from Lord of the Rings were amazing. Their cosplay had such amazing detail to it!Lord of the Rings Cosplay

This photo was taken by someone unknown–possibly Jesikah’s son–but my friend Jesikah had her photo taken with someone cosplaying the older Luke Skywalker from Star Wars: The Last Jedi. He pulls off Luke so well that I had to share this photo on my page. Amazing photo, Jesikah!Jesikah and LukeMy friend, Olivia, who cosplayed Jareth earlier up, also cosplayed Jayne from Firefly on Saturday. She borrowed my cosplay prop gun Vera and sidearm, pictured below. (I don’t know who took this photo. Olivia shared it, and I’m sharing it here.)
Firefly cosplay

Here’s a selfie from Olivia with a closer look at Vera. I love 1.0 Vera. I worked hard on her, but I’m excited to 3D print the parts to create 2.0. 😀Firefly Jayne cosplay

Overall, I had a good convention, though ECCC is getting huge. 5th largest convention in the country. I’m guessing behind San Diego Comicon, NY Comicon, and PAX (probably West and East coast). There were times that I needed a break of fresh air to escape the mass of bodies literally everywhere.

Did you attend ECCC? If so, I hope it was also an excellent weekend! See you next time!

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