Happy New Year! – RAVEN OAK

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Today dawns a whole new year! A new chance to change things or resolve to better ourselves. I’m not a fan of making promises I can’t keep. I tend to make achievable goals rather than resolutions.


Raven Oak 2017

I hereby declare myself too cool for 2016. Onward to 2017!


  1. Get back to writing daily, so that I can:
    1. Finish all revisions on my two overdue books & get them out there!
    2. Write 100K on a new novel
    3. Write 3 short stories
  2. Submit 3 short stories to paying markets


  1. Read 30 books for enjoyment
  2. Enjoy the neighborhood more via walking it at least once a week.
  3. Have at least three awesome shindigs full of games & laughter at the house

What goals do you have for 2017?

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