NaNo Wrap-Up – RAVEN OAK

NaNo Wrap-Up

Today is the last day of November and for those participating in NaNoWriMo, it’s the last day to validate their 50K. It’s also time for a NaNo Wrap-Up.

NaNoWriMo 2015I set out on November 1st to write 90K in a complete rewrite of Amaskan’s War. If you know anything about me, you know I’m both determined and ruthless in my focus, yet November, like most of 2015, didn’t go as expected.

I loved and lost the perfect house in our house hunt…twice. We spent so much time looking at house after house in a limited inventory market where people drop all cash payments of $700K like a DJ drops a beat. So much of my time has been consumed with scrolling through sites like Redfin and Zillow that I barely hit the required 50K to “win” NaNo.

I know that once we find a place and unpack, my life with adjust. I’ll stop being a part-time house hunter on top of my full-time writing job, but for the moment, I’ll have to be happy with the 50K I wrote. I hope those of you writing had better word counts!

I have a long way to go on this manuscript, but I’ll get it done. You know me. 😉

Now to prep for the upcoming book tour…and the next chapter.

One Reply to “NaNo Wrap-Up”

  1. Sorry hun, but moving to a new place is hard enough without Nano as well 🙂
    What you were able to write is great 😀
    I set myself the same goal of 90K but I couldn’t have much time for myself to write, but still happy to hit the 50K 😀

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