On Sale! – RAVEN OAK

On Sale!

Today (11/25) through 11/29, the eBook of Amaskan’s Blood is ON SALE on Amazon for 99 cents! If you’ve put off ordering a copy, now is the time! Get it now and get a sneak peek of Book II, Amaskan’s War.

About Amaskan’s Blood

Her name was Adelei. She was a master in her field, one of the feared Order of Amaska. Those who were a danger to the Little Dozen Kingdoms wound up dead by her hand. The Order sends her deep into the Kingdom of Alexander, away from her home in Sadai, and into the hands of the Order’s enemy.

The job is nothing short of a suicide mission, one serving no king, no god, and certainly not Justice. With no holy order to protect her, she tumbles dagger-first into the Boahim Senate’s political schemes and finds that magic is very much alive and well in the Little Dozen Kingdoms.

While fighting to unravel the betrayal surrounding the royal family of Alexander, she finds her entire past is a lie, right down to those she called family. They say the truth depends on which side of the sword one stands. But they never said what to do when all the swords are pointing at you.

“An exciting epic fantasy filled with intrigue and layers upon layers of well crafted secrets and lies.”  Stephanie Hildreth of 100 Pages a Day

“With a ferocious-yet-fragile heroine, resonant themes, and a sweepingly gorgeous backdrop, Amaskan’s Blood delivers food for thought and frank enjoyment.”
Maia Chance, author of the bestselling Fairy Tale Fatal series

“The prose itself is…a cut above the rest as Raven Oak playfully dances with the reader. It’s the addition of just enough detail, and the right amount of it, that makes this read. Oak is loquaciously talented and the writing in the book shines. [She] crafts [her] words carefully, in order to pull the reader in, and once he’s hooked, reels him in.”
Open Book Society

“If George R. R. Martin wrote [Disney’s] Tangled, it might be a bit like this.”
N. Jahangir, author of The Adventures of Some Kid

“Holy crap, this is good!”
Seattle Geekly

Grab your copy today!

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