I need to clone myself! (Writing conferences) – RAVEN OAK

I need to clone myself! (Writing conferences)

If you’re interested in writing and have never been to a writing conference, you’re missing out! Conferences can get a bit pricey, so I understand that not every author can attend every conference. I’ve decided to limit myself (at the moment) to a certain conference budget, which this year, will allow me to attend four.

This weekend, I’m going to the Emerald City Writers’ Conference in Bellevue, WA. While it’s run by the Romance Writers of America, it doesn’t exclusively focus on the romance genre (which is great since I write sci-fi/fantasy). Most of the topics they are covering range from craft (dialogue, setting, word choice, voice, conflict, etc.) to promotion and the business side of writing (social media/marketing, reviews and publicity, finding agents, etc.).

So far, my major dilemma is how to be in two places at once. I need to clone myself to sit in multiple workshops at once since this conference has an abundance of excellent topics!

No excerpt this week as I’m getting ready for the con, but I’ll post something awesome next week for sure.

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