Amaskan's Blood Cover Reveal – RAVEN OAK

Amaskan’s Blood Cover Reveal

Wanna see something awesome? How about the Amaskan’s Blood Cover Reveal?

I was going to wait until after Geek Girl Con but if you know me, you know I can’t keep secrets worth a damn. Well, if they’re really super important I can, but surprises like this–not so much. (How I managed to keep my husband’s surprise birthday a secret when he turned 30 is beyond me!)

So after much teasing, here is the fabulous cover to Amaskan’s Blood. The cover art is done by the fabulous K. E. Clausen.

[important]If you click on the image, it will open a much larger version, including the spine and back so that you can see the entire spread. [/important]

Amaskan's Blood book cover front

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