Awesomesauce Review – RAVEN OAK

Awesomesauce Review

Class-M Exile by Raven OakReviews are (almost) always good, but sometimes you get a 5-star review that reminds you of why you write. Days like today when my to-do list is too long and The Bloggess makes me cry, these are the days I struggle to write.

Then I read a review like the one Scott at Open Book Society posts and it makes it easier to cut through the stress and put down another word.

This is an awesomesauce review that goes quite in depth. In it, he says:

Oak hurls you thousands of years into the future and hits you at the core of your being. It’s a fresh look at science fiction in a charming “hillbilly” fashion… The plot has as much intrigue, suspense and action befitting a much larger work…a testament to Oak’s skill at short fiction writing.

You can check it out the entire review here:

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