Sinking like the Titanic
This week’s plans have been sinking like the Titanic…or my floors (more on that momentarily). I’m supposed to have a Flashback or Flashforward Friday today, but I’m still swimming in contractor and insurance hell while juggling too many other things Read More…
Taking Down a Wildebeest
This isn’t the first time I’ve written about how my cats are assholes. I love my cats, don’t get me wrong, but DiNozzo is a psychopath at times. If we died in our home, he’d be the first kitty to Read More…
Birthday Salutations!
So today I’m 37. Birthday Salutations! Which doesn’t feel all that different from 30 or even 25. I still get carded to buy alcohol (though not so much to go to the movies). I still participate in crazy gaming antics Read More…
Guest Post on Dialogue
I’ve got a writing/craft related guest post on dialogue over on The article’s called Siri-ous Dialogue & focuses on how dialogue can help push action forward. Quite a bit on show vs. tell as that goes hand-in-hand with dialogue Read More…
Top 10 Text-to-Speech Fails
When I’m editing writing, what helps the most is to have Scrivener read out loud my novel. Having a computer read it, finds all those annoying typos or mistakes that my brain auto-corrects no matter how many times I read Read More…
Riley the Party Cat
Completely off topic post on Riley the Party Cat. The Doubleclicks, being the wonderful geeks that they are, called for people to send in cat pictures with particular words for their new video, Cats at Parties. If you watch the Read More…
Dealing with Negativity
I’m a huge fan of confronting negativity with humor, especially smarmy sarcastic humor because that’s just my style. But writers often face a deluge of negativity by way of rejection letters, negative book reviews, hate-mail, etc. In the past week Read More…
That Cat is an Asshole
No Flashback or Flashforward today. I feel like talking about the large gauge across my face. My cat is an asshole. To be honest, most cat owners know that cats are completely capable of being assholes. It’s second nature to Read More…
Invaluability because I say so
My husband and I were having a conversation about—well, it started off about critique groups. I was explaining how lucky I am to have found two AMAZING writers and editors that form my critique group. Just absolutely amazing people. The Read More…
DiNozzo says, “No!”
The last four days I spent at the PNWA Writers’ Conference, where my friend and critique group member, Gayle Clemans, had 6 different agents ask for her manuscript (which in the publishing world, is awesome). Between the ‘too busy to Read More…