Cat-tain's Log: Episode 029 – RAVEN OAK
Cat-tain's Log: Episode 029

Cat-tain’s Log: Episode 029


No one in my family has caught Covid-19…yet. I hope it remains that way, but it’s unlikely. I’ve had a dozen or so friends get it. All of them are still recovering.

I worry when I see the number of cases shoot up while states decide to send kids back to school. As a former teacher and one who’s at high risk, I can’t imagine having to make the kids of choices my former colleagues are currently making. Many have filled out their wills. Some of them have outright quit. It’s not safe for the workers or the kids.

The idea of asking an 8-year-old to socially distance themselves at recess and lunch, let alone wear a mask all day… We can’t get kids to put down their phones and listen in class, let alone do what would be necessary to reduce the number of Covid cases. We certainly don’t have the number of classrooms and teachers needed to socially distance in the classroom. The last year I was teaching, I had classes with 35 students in them. There is NO way to socially distance 35 students in 1 room. It’s not physically possible. What about the passing periods in the hallway when they’re at their lockers? You can’t space those out. What about locker rooms? Choir class? Band class? The amount of spit and germs that flies through the air in choir and band is unreal…

I’m with Riley. It’s a “Yet.”

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