Monday Night Gaming: Dixit – RAVEN OAK

Monday Night Gaming: Dixit

Dixit Tabletop Game ReviewThis week’s Monday Night Gaming: Dixit.

For my birthday, my husband and I joined a friend at the new Mox Boarding House to get our game on. One of the games we played was Dixit. (There was also lots of Munchkin.)

The goal for this game is a bit weird as players are supposed to ride a fine line between something being too easy and something being too hard. Not to mention that the game itself requires a fair share of creativity and deep thought if played accurately.

# of Players: 3-6

General Mechanics: The active player (aka storyteller) holds 6 cards with images. He/she picks one and makes up a clue about it. Clues can be words, sentences, or even stories. The other players then pick cards from their hands that they feel best matches the clues/story. All of these get mixed into a pile and shuffled. The other players then try and guess which card/picture belonged to the storyteller or active player. The idea is not to make the clue so easy that everyone gets it or to make it so hard that no one gets it. If no one guesses the original card, the storyteller gets no points. Same if everyone guesses the correct card. This is the balance I was speaking of as the storyteller has to ride a fine line.

How to Win/Lose: When the deck runs out or someone reaches 30 points, the game is over. The person with the most points or 30 points, wins.

What I Liked: I loved the artwork on these cards and the creativity level that goes with coming up with clues. This is a thinking-gamers’ game.

What I Didn’t Like: Nothing to be honest. This was my sort of game.

Overall Rating/Impression: 10/10. Love this game. This seems like it would be a hard game for kiddos though.

I won the game (writer vs. non-writers–not all that surprised). In fact, I really want to get my critique group together to play this because I’d love to see what happens when you get 3-6 writers in a room to play this. I think it would be fabulous!

Game On!

Read other Monday Night Gaming posts on games like Firefly, Boss Monster, Munchkin, and more by clicking here.

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