Ozma Award Winner! – RAVEN OAK

Ozma Award Winner!

Ozma Fantasy Award Amaskan's BloodSo I completely missed doing my Monday Night Gaming post on Monday because I was too busy recovering from Amaskan’s Blood winning an Ozma Fantasy Award!!

I won my first award on my late-grandmother’s birthday. I wish she could have been here to see it. <3

Lots of photos to follow.

The picture below is from the start of the Awards’ Gala, featuring author Jesikah Sundin and me in Bellingham, WA. It’s hard to see in this shot but I was dressed as a TARDIS from Doctor Who. You’ll get a better shot of it in later pictures.

Below is the winning book with a shiny ribbon.

Here’s me with my shiny ribbon.

Here’s another shot with my husband.

We were told to take a #SeriousAuthor photo. So I did.
Funniest part is that when I tweeted it, people kept retweeting it so it ended up on the Awards’ Gala projector screen of tweets for a good 30-40 minutes. Nothing like listening to other winners while this picture is scrolling constantly by.

Group shot of Books and Chains: Me, Elise Kreinbring, and Jesikah Sundin.

Jesikah and I decided to take selfies with each others’ books, but I have T-Rex arms so mine came out…interesting.

It was a busy weekend! I can now say I’m an Ozma Award Winner!

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