Wishing Shelf Award Finalist

I’m a finalist! Or at least one of my books is. 😉 If you recall back in 2018, Amaskan’s War was a UK Wishing Shelf Book Award Finalist, meaning that a bunch of young adults read the book and liked it Read More…

Bram Stoker?!

Soul Jar, the anthology I’m in that features my short story “Weightless” as well as 30 other stories by disabled authors, is on the long list for the 2023 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in an Anthology!! Talk about exciting! Read More…

Award-winning series

Amaskan’s Blood won the 2017 Ozma Fantasy Award and was an EPIC Awards’ Finalist, so imagine my surprise to learn that Amaskan’s War, Book II in the Boahim Trilogy, is a finalist in the UK’s Wishing Shelf YA Book Award! I guess that means I have an award-winning series on my hands. It was read and nominated by Read More…

Ozma Award Winner!

So I completely missed doing my Monday Night Gaming post on Monday because I was too busy recovering from Amaskan’s Blood winning an Ozma Fantasy Award!! I won my first award on my late-grandmother’s birthday. I wish she could have been here to Read More…