How Music Made Me
Today, I’m a guest over on John Scalzi’s site as I discuss the Big Idea in my new book, Voices Carry, and how music both made this book and me. If you know anything about me, you know that I’ve Read More…

On the Grey Side
I’ve got a guest article over on Fantasy & UF reader/blogger Melissa L. Hayden’s site about my love of post-apocalyptic fiction and what influenced my story for the Last Cities of Earth anthology. You can read it here: https://melissa-melsworld.blogspot.com/2017/08/guest-post-on-grey-side.html

Flashback Friday: Foundation
For this week’s Flashback Friday post, I’m happy to have science-fiction author, G. S. Jennsen, here for a guest post on how the Foundation Series influenced her as a writer. When asked if there is a science fiction novel, author Read More…