Flashback Friday: Dragons of Autumn Twilight
This week’s Flashback Friday: Dragons of Autumn Twilight. I’m happy to have fellow author, Jeff Martin, here for a guest post on how the book, Dragons of Autumn Twilight, influenced him as a writer. I was laying on my bed Read More…

Flashback Friday: Dragonlance
This week’s Flashback Friday: Dragonlance. I’m happy to have fellow redditor and author, Chris Fox, here for a guest post on how Dragonlance influenced him as a writer. I vividly remember the first book I bought. Not the first book Read More…

N is for Neil
7/5/2024 EDIT: A lot has changed since I wrote this. Please keep that in mind as you read this ancient post. In today’s continuation of the A-Z Challenge, I give you: N is for Neil…Gaiman Unlike most folks in geekdom, I Read More…

G is for Grandmothers
In today’s continuation of the A-Z Challenge, I give you: G is for Grandmothers – The Shapers of Me Not everyone gets along with their grandmothers, but as a child growing up without a mother, my grandmothers were both mother Read More…

Flashback Friday: Hobbits, D&D, and King
This week’s Flashback Friday: Hobbits, D&D, and King. I’m happy to have fantasy author, Erik Buchanan, here for a guest post on how The Hobbit, Dungeons & Dragons, and Stephen King influenced him as a writer. I started reading when I was Read More…

Flashback Friday: Three Men
For this week’s Flashback Friday post, I’m happy to have fantasy author, Django Wexler, here for a guest post on how Isaac Asmiov, David Brin, and Neil Gaiman influenced him as a writer. I started reading in the pre-Potter world, Read More…

Flashback Friday: Foundation
For this week’s Flashback Friday post, I’m happy to have science-fiction author, G. S. Jennsen, here for a guest post on how the Foundation Series influenced her as a writer. When asked if there is a science fiction novel, author Read More…
Flashback Friday: Lest Darkness Fall
For this week’s Flashback Friday post, I’m happy to have SF/F author, Janine Southard, here for a guest post on how Lest Darkness Fall by L. Sprague deCamp influenced her as a writer. I have a competency kink. (Where characters Read More…

Flashback Friday: Wheel of Time
For this week’s Flashback Friday post, I’m happy to have SF/F author, David Kristoph, here for a guest post on how the The Wheel of Time series impacted him as a writer. My parents gave me a love for books Read More…
Flashback Friday Goes Dark Fantasy
This week, Flashback Friday Goes Dark Fantasy. I’m back this week to cover Anne Bishop‘s dark fantasy novel, Daughter of the Blood (The Black Jewels Book #1). This book wasn’t published until 1998, two years after I graduated high school, Read More…