When Words Fail a Writer – RAVEN OAK

When Words Fail a Writer

As part of Magnolia Chapter One’s series on “Why Writers Write,” I posted an article entitled “When Words Fail a Writer.”

If you get a moment, you should head over there and read it. It’s definitely a great article on why I write. Here’s a bit of an excerpt:

If I could do that, I could do anything.
But could I write?

Did I have the bravery to make the leap? The discipline to write every day, every month, every year? After twelve years of struggle, I quit teaching, moved across the country, and decided that yes, I did. For thirty years, I’d wished for this. The want, the need, the necessity never wavered, never changed.

Read more here: http://magnoliachapterone.com/words-fail-writer/

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