B is for Bring Back Firefly! – RAVEN OAK

B is for Bring Back Firefly!

In today’s continuation of the A-Z Challenge, I give you:

B is for Bring Back Firefly!

Firefly TV ShowIf you’re one of those people who wants to tell me to let it go, I will proudly wrap myself in my Browncoat pride and aim to misbehave. Not even my husband gets away with saying that. 😉

Realistically, I know that the actors are older and many have steady work on other shows. It would probably be nigh impossible for them to reprise their roles in the timeline right after the movie Serenity, but weirder things have happened. Just last week it was announced that they are bringing back X-files for a mini-series.

Firefly isn’t the first series to mix the Old West with space. One of my favorite anime series of all time, Cowboy Bebop, does the same thing. The mix of the two is awesome enough, but add in the genius of Joss Whedon and you have magic.

If there wasn’t an audience for the show, it would be one thing, but in the past year, they’ve released a farkton of merchandising in the ‘verse (everything from Firefly Clue to Kaylee’s parasol) and pulled back the actors to do voiceovers for the official MMO. Fox knows it has a cash-cow, but rather than do the right thing and bring back a show cancelled too early, they continue to clutch the rights to the franchise like Ebenezer Scrooge in the first act of A Christmas Carol, clinging desperately to his money at the expense of everyone else.

Alan Tudyk & Nathan Fillion have certainly proved via Con-Man that if money is the only barrier, the fans would gladly foot the bill. To me, this only goes to show that Browncoats love their Captain.

Gina Torres

Gina Torres (aka Zoe from Firefly) at Emerald City Comicon 2015

The crew of Serenity have commented many times at conventions and during interviews that there was something special about being in Firefly, something magical about the way Joss brought everyone together. Despite being off the air since 2002, the cast has remained close friends. In fact, this past weekend at Emerald City Comicon, Gina Torres said, “We always felt safe & united on Firefly. There’s still nothing I wouldn’t do for my crew members.”

The fans have stepped up to raise millions for Equality Now and other charities supported by the cast.

Being a Browncoat is like being in a close-knit family spread out across the world. Rather than feeling awkward or alone or weird, I’m among other geeks who enjoy many fandoms. They’re my people.

Now that I’m making my own worlds and fandoms with my novels, I’m in the unique position of seeing how fandoms form from the other side. I can only hope that my fans are as mighty, as awesome, and as giving as the Browncoat family.

(Image from Firefly is Copyright 20th Century Fox and used under Fair Use in order to educate and/or criticize/review.)

This post is part of the A-Z Challenge. Every day (except Sundays) in the month of May, I’ll be posting about people, places, books, games, and other things that influence me as a writer or add a certain magic to my life. Join me in April as we explore a Hodge-Podge of Influences & Wayward Treks through the Fantastical.

Read more A-Z Challenge Posts here.

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