GeekGirlCon Panelist – RAVEN OAK

GeekGirlCon Panelist

I got word this past weekend that I’ll be a panelist at Geek Girl Con October 8-9, 2016!


So far, my panels will be:

  • Loving What You Want

    PANELISTS: Me, Fran Stewart, Bridget A. Natale, and Hafidha Acuay.
    DESCRIPTION: Women play Halo. Boys love My Little Pony. Everyone loves Rey from Star Wars VII. And why not? How do we break down the antiquated rules for gendered fandoms? How do we welcome outsiders into the fold? How do we respectfully join a fandom that’s “not for us?” Join us as we discuss how to build fandoms that are more inclusive and welcoming to all.

  • Imposter Syndrome–Are you as good as everyone believes you to be?

    PANELISTS: Raven Oak, G. G. Silverman, Phoebe Kitanidis, Fran Stewart, Robin Bradford, and John Lovett.
    DESCRIPTION: No matter how diverse a culture is, there’s always someone (or a few someones) who feel they are worthless. Impostor-syndrome is somewhat new in terms of discussion and treatment. Geeks have often felt on the outside of society and suffering from this only makes that worse. We want to talk about why it exists inside geekdom, and how to get help & celebrate ones diversity rather than feeling as an outcast. When submitting media for some form of publication and getting rejection letters, the need for positivity and inclusion in fandom becomes even more important to combat impostor-syndrome.

We’ve got several other panels on the wait list as well so I may have additional panels.

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