GeekGirlCon Wrap-Up
As usual, GeekGirlCon was a blast! It was unusual sitting on the vendor’s side of things rather than spending my convention gaming or attending shows. I was a panelist at GGC this year as well, which was loads of fun Read More…

ECCC Wrap-Up
ECCC or Emerald City Comicon 2017 was amazing though a bit crowded! They apparently set records with 90,000+ in attendance on Saturday, which is crazy crowded to me. Due to my schedule, I only attended on Saturday (when my panel was), Read More…

Women in Speculative Fiction
The fabulous G. G. Silverman (author of Vegan Teenage Zombie Huntress) is running a series this month on Women in Speculative Fiction. She kicked off with author Nisi Shawl and today, she interviewed me about Amaskan’s Blood, Amaskan’s War, and Read More…

Upcoming Reading!
Hey folks! I’ve got an upcoming reading! I’ll be reading at the Inkwell Seattle: Women in Speculative Fiction coming up! Details below: WHO: Nisi Shawl, Raven Oak, G. G. Silverman, and Janine A. Southard WHAT: Reading amazing spec-fic works! WHEN: Read More…

GeekGirlCon Wrap-Up
This past weekend was GeekGirlCon 2016, which was my 4th GGC and probably the best so far. Over 11,500 attendees came out this year, which is really awesome. I love seeing what began as a small convention grow to a Read More…

GeekGirlCon Panelist
I got word this past weekend that I’ll be a panelist at Geek Girl Con October 8-9, 2016! So far, my panels will be: Loving What You Want PANELISTS: Me, Fran Stewart, Bridget A. Natale, and Hafidha Acuay. DESCRIPTION: Women Read More…

More on Needing Heroes!
A few weeks back, I posted my Emerald City Comicon Wrap-Up, including details on how awesome our “I Need a Hero” panel went. One of my co-panelists, Fran Stewart, posted a very thorough article on the panel itself and the Read More…
Flashback Friday: Bellairs & Alter Egos
For this week’s Flashback Friday post, I’m honored to have YA author, G. G. Silverman, here for a guest post on how John Bellairs‘ works influenced her as a writer and storyteller. When Raven Oak asked me if I’d contribute Read More…