I Might Squee! – RAVEN OAK

I Might Squee!

So I might squee! Just a bit. Or pee my pants. I’m not sure yet.

Tomorrow’s my birthday. While it happened yesterday, I consider it a birthday present none-the-less. You folks are *that* amazing.

Yesterday, Amaskan’s Blood managed to rank #37,464 out of millions of books on Amazon Kindle. To put this in perspective, I have a writer friend whose wonderful book just hit bestseller status. Her novel is ranked #146,986 on Amazon Kindle.

OMG. Mine popped back up to 148,258 today–must have had a boost of sales yesterday–but yesterday, my book was glorious.

Because of you wonderful people out there pre-ordering it. Thank you!!!

Sales ranking for Amaskan's Blood

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