FF: Deerskin
This week’s Flashback Friday: Deerskin by Robin McKinley TRIGGER WARNING: This book deals with some subjects that may trigger certain folks. I will not be explicit, but wanted to warn folks just in case. When I first read this book, Read More…

Flashfoward Friday: Equality
Normally on Friday’s I’d be flashing back to some great sci-fi or fantasy classic that changed me as a reader and writer, or I’d be looking ahead at what great, future tech is happening in our world, but I’m feeling Read More…
Microsoft’s Minecraft
Everyone’s talking about it. Mojang & Minecraft are trending on Twitter & Facebook. I think every blogger and gamer is commenting on it, posting about it, and freaking out right now. If you missed the announcement this morning, Microsoft has Read More…
Gamergate & the Boys’ Club
So I lied. My day began with every intention of doing a Flashforward Friday. Between the dead Internet modem at home (and Con-cast telling me it’ll be 5-10 business days before a new one arrives) and a morning of errands Read More…