Locus Awards
Just a reminder that if you’re attending the Locus Awards tomorrow, I’ll be signing at 12:30 PM, along with other awesome SF/F authors like: Greg Bear, TJ Berry, Curtis C. Chen, Tina Connolly, Elton Elliott, Amal El-Mohtar, Daryl Gregory, Eileen Read More…

Locus Awards Wrap-Up
The 2017 Locus Awards were held this past weekend, an event requiring Hawaiian attire and a good sense of humor. I say the latter part because the MC is Science Fiction Grand Master Connie Willis, who has a sharp and Read More…

Locus Awards
This weekend is the Locus Awards Weekend, complete with readings by Connie Willis and Carrie Vaughn on Friday and a party, and a Saturday full of panels, food, awards, autographing, and more parties! In fact, on Saturday, I’ll be autographing Read More…

Locus Awards 2016
Hey folks! If you’re attending the Locus Awards Weekend this weekend, you should swing by the autographing room from 12:00-12:30 PM Saturday, June 25. Besides me, other authors autographing will be: Karen Anderson, Greg Bear, Simone Caroti, Eva L. Elasigue, Read More…

Award Nominations
I always hate making these posts as it seems a bit weird to ask people to nominate my works for an award (even if they think it’s worthy of one), but I’ve found that many folks don’t know they can Read More…

Locus Weekend Wrap-Up
This past weekend was the Locus Awards and the Locus Writers’ Workshop, hosted by sci-fi Grand Master Connie Willis and author Daryl Gregory. It was my second year attending, which included dragging my husband along (he complains until he’s there, Read More…