Word Counts & Contracts – RAVEN OAK

Word Counts & Contracts

I figured it was time for a bit of an update on my “kick-my-ass-into-this-rewrite” November. I’m currently sitting at a smidge over 20K words, though if all were going according to plan, I’d be sitting at 36K.

So I’m behind schedule. What else is new?

I have a perfectly valid reason for it though!

Real Estate Humor ComicYep! On Monday, we finally had an offer on our condo! (The market slowed to a freaking trickle with the holidays approaching.) We spent most of the day going back and forth signing documents…to the tune of–

  1. Sign that we got the offer
  2. Sign that we countered the offer
  3. Sign that they accepted the counter offer
  4. Sign that we accepted that they accepted the counter offer

It’s that last one that made me roll my eyes just a bit because we really did have to sign to show our acceptance of their acceptance of the counter. Sort of crazy.

Most of my Monday was spent doing that so very little writing got done. Then it was a mad scramble on Tuesday to update our lender with five million copies of tax returns, W-2’s, pay stubs, 401K’s, etc. because the last batch she had for pre-approval was back in July when we thought we were listing the condo. (This was pre-flood, mind you.) Then our copies of our taxes weren’t high enough quality scans, and since we’re in temp housing and thus, sans scanner, I had to go find a FedEx Office to scan a dozen pages or so.

Of course, each document has to be emailed via special “secure” email, because lenders still think that their special portal is more secure than other secure emails. (Yep, that’s why we keep having millions of people at risk for identity theft when a big website gets hacked.)

Provided all goes well with the inspection, we’ll officially be under contract. That means my time is going to disappear like a rubber band on the playground as we start looking for a house to buy.

So here we are to Wednesday. It’s 4 PM, and I’m finally getting time to write. Oh, did I mentioned that my husband relapsed with this plague that’s going around? Yep. Try writing with sick and needy husband around. (I hate that he’s sick, but it does cut into work time. You know how that goes.)

It’s not even Fallout 4 that is a distraction. Nope. Just life. Word counts & contracts don’t mix. 😉 And now I’m procrastinating by writing this. Oops.

I wonder if I can make up 20K this weekend? Hmm….

Wish me luck!

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