Day 171 – RAVEN OAK

Day 171

Welcome to Day 171 of quarantine…at least for me and my partner.

That’s 5 ½ months of isolation as we haven’t left our house expect to drive the car and recharge its battery every few weeks. Not even to grocery shop. Everything is done via delivery for us.


Alone © 2020 Raven Oak

I’m one of those who’s high risk–not because of age but because I’m immunocompromised due to my Sjogren’s and asthma. As the rest of the United States (at least parts of it) relaxes their rules regarding this pandemic, I sit at home and watch the numbers climb…and I try not to panic. Not because I’m stuck at home but because this virus is out of control in this country. If it continues to spread, it becomes harder for me to avoid. Even though I stay inside my house or yard, even though we wipe down everything that comes into the house, every time we check the mail or receive delivered groceries, it’s a small, but present chance of contamination.

To keep my mind (and anxiety) off the pandemic, I’ve been focusing on my webcomic, reading lots of books, drawing, editing/critiquing books for others, and writing short stories. My brain seems stuck with the idea of writing lengthier works right now, so I’m putting my creative energies where I can. You can see one of the art pieces I did during all this. A bit depressing but it was what was going through my mind when reading about people dying of the virus.

If you’ve not seen my webcomic, Cat-tain’s Log, you should check it out. It’s current day science fiction with my cats as the main characters. I’m up to episode 26 or so, with a lot more coming. I tend to update it on Mondays and Fridays, so twice a week you can fill your day with kitty pictures and science fiction. If you’ve been wondering how I’m doing, I’ve been trickling that out a bit beneath each webcomic, so you can catch up with me there as well.

I’ll try to post on here a bit more frequently. For all that it’s a pandemic and not going to conventions or outings should give me MORE time, I find myself constantly busy and in need for a few more hours a day. Seems like most of us are feeling that one.

So give yourself a hug from me and hang in there. And wear your mask!!

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