The Sky is Bright

Last week, our pale blue dot was hit by one hell of a solar storm the size of which we haven’t seen in something like two hundred years. Due to this, people all over the world had the rare opportunity Read More…

T-Minus 4 Hours

T-Minus 4 Hours until the clocks roll around and it’s midnight here in the greater Seattle area, meaning it will officially be 2024 (at least that was how long when I began this post… now it’s more like 3 hours).  Some Read More…

Happy Holidays!

Beginning December 21st (my birthday), I’ll be offline for the holidays until the new year. You may see the occasional social media post, but I won’t be making any scheduled posts, including here. Wherever you are and whatever you do Read More…

Recipe of Me

I can’t believe my Kickstarter goes live tomorrow. This is currently the recipe of me: 2 cups of What Did I Forget 1 cup of Excitement 1 bunch of Nerves ½ lb. of Double-Triple Checking Everything 1 Tbsp of I Read More…

Halloween 2022

For some people, it’s Christmas. Others, Thanksgiving. For me, my favorite holiday is Halloween. Part of the reason I love this holiday so much is because it gives people the opportunity to be whatever and whoever they want to be. Read More…

Tasting Colors

The main word I have today is WOW. Also, COLOR. All the colors. Yesterday, I had “Eye Surgery #1,” which removed the white cataract in my left eye and restored my sight. (Right eye aka surgery #2 will come in Read More…

The March from Hell

March has been…chaos. 2020 was hell. 2021 was heller. 2022 said, “Hold my beer!” in the worst way possible, especially last month. For those following along on social media, you know that Riley’s heart meds are killing his kidneys. Nothing Read More…