Reddit AMA!
For those Reddit users, Maia Chance, Janine A. Southard, Gayle Clemans, and me will all be over in /r/books doing an AMA (Ask Me Anything). So…come ask us anything! About our new book Joy to the Worlds, other books we’ve Read More…

Book Tour Review
Two weeks ago, four authors kicked off a regional tour for a holiday speculative fiction book. And what did they learn? Well, I can’t speak for my co-authors, but… Touring is exhausting. Driving, signing, smiling. All things hard to do Read More…

Joy to the Reviews Part 4
Here’s the weekly wrap-up of reviews on Joy to the Worlds, or as I like to call it–Joy to the Reviews Part 4! [important]If you missed it, you can read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.[/important] Joy to Read More…

Joy to the Reviews!
In the past week, I’ve seen a slew of reviews pop up for Joy to the Worlds, including one from Publisher’s Weekly. I figured I’d share some of this holiday cheer with you, so Joy to the Reviews! Great review Read More…

Book Tour Dates
Since December brings the release of Joy to the Worlds: Mysterious Speculative Fiction for the Holidays, my co-authors and I will be doing a regional tour + virtual tour. Tour events will include all four authors (Maia Chance, Janine A. Read More…

Joy to the Worlds Goodreads Giveaway
If you’re over on Goodreads, you can enter to win an autographed copy of Joy to the Worlds: Mysterious Speculative Fiction for the Holidays! Copies are autographed by all four authors (Maia Chance, Janine A. Southard, G. Clemans, and myself). Read More…
Joy to the Worlds Cover Reveal
I’m pretty excited about this mysterious speculative fiction collection. I’ve got two stories in it: “The Ringers” and “Ol’ St. Nick.” Beyond my two, there are six other fabulous stories. Excited though I am, I’m even more excited to share Read More…