Cover Art
I *finally* get to share this so here goes! I was recently hired to paint new cover art for The Oracle Chronicles series by T. J. DesChamps, which features a middle-aged, badass woman named Lydia, who is a Greek Oracle in modern Read More…

I sell prints and originals of my art over at www.theartofravenoak.com but more recently, I’ve created a Threadless shop for selling my art on a variety of things like t-shirts, pillows, shower curtains, etc. You name it, it’s probably there. Read More…

Heading to Norwescon?
Norwescon 46 is this coming weekend, March 28-31 in Seattle (SeaTac specifically). It’s my home convention and one I love dearly, but I won’t be there. They’ve decided against requiring masks this year and since I’m high risk, I can’t Read More…

T-Minus 4 Hours
T-Minus 4 Hours until the clocks roll around and it’s midnight here in the greater Seattle area, meaning it will officially be 2024 (at least that was how long when I began this post… now it’s more like 3 hours). Some Read More…

Fulfillment Begins
Well, technically, the digital portion of the Kickstarter fulfillment began and ended last month. But now, I have the special edition hardbacks in, I’ve checked them over for damage, signed them last night, and today, I get to start packing Read More…

Did You Miss It?
Did you miss the Kickstarter? So the Kickstarter campaign’s officially ended. Are you kicking yourself about not backing it? Well, lucky for you I’m giving you one last, final chance to snag a copy of The Bell Ringer & Other Holiday Tales, a Read More…

One Last Peek!
One last sneak peek from The Bell Ringer & Other Holiday Tales – All the love. Go back my Kickstarter. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ravenoak2/the-bell-ringer-exclusive-story-and-art-collection

Brush Strokes… Why I Paint Digitally
One of the questions I get asked a lot is why I paint digitally on my iPad vs. actual paper or canvas, so I wanted to take a moment to address that, especially in the age of generative AI. I’ve Read More…