Cover Art

I *finally* get to share this so here goes! I was recently hired to paint new cover art for The Oracle Chronicles series by T. J. DesChamps, which features a middle-aged, badass woman named Lydia, who is a Greek Oracle in modern Read More…


I sell prints and originals of my art over at but more recently, I’ve created a Threadless shop for selling my art on a variety of things like t-shirts, pillows, shower curtains, etc. You name it, it’s probably there. Read More…

Heading to Norwescon?

Norwescon 46 is this coming weekend, March 28-31 in Seattle (SeaTac specifically). It’s my home convention and one I love dearly, but I won’t be there. They’ve decided against requiring masks this year and since I’m high risk, I can’t Read More…

T-Minus 4 Hours

T-Minus 4 Hours until the clocks roll around and it’s midnight here in the greater Seattle area, meaning it will officially be 2024 (at least that was how long when I began this post… now it’s more like 3 hours).  Some Read More…

One Last Peek!

One last sneak peek from The Bell Ringer & Other Holiday Tales – All the love. Go back my Kickstarter.