What It Means to be Fandom
The year was 1994, and I was 16. I was “old enough to drive,” which humorously enough was the slogan for ArmadilloCon 16 that year. I’ve written about my experiences at my first convention before, but it wasn’t until yesterday Read More…

Flashback Friday
I am so dreadfully behind on writing deadlines and unpacking that for now, my Flashback Friday and Flashforward Friday posts are going on hiatus. I will still continue to post Monday Night Gaming posts on the 1st and 3rd Mondays Read More…

FF: Deerskin
This week’s Flashback Friday: Deerskin by Robin McKinley TRIGGER WARNING: This book deals with some subjects that may trigger certain folks. I will not be explicit, but wanted to warn folks just in case. When I first read this book, Read More…

FF: The Witch of Blackbird Pond
This week’s Flashback Friday: The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare I first read this book in 6th grade. Assigned reading by the teacher, I wanted to read other things though admitted that the word witch in the Read More…

FF: Death the High Cost of Living
7/5/2024 EDIT: A lot has changed since I wrote this. Please keep that in mind as you read this ancient post. This week’s Flashback Friday: Death The High Cost of Living by Neil Gaiman 2016 has been one hell of a Read More…

FF: Redwall
This week’s Flashback Friday: Redwall by Brian Jacques Ah Redwall. Lots of furry little critters running around the Abbey and Mossflower woods. Redwall was not the first book I’d read from the point of view of animals (Watership Down, anyone?), Read More…

FF: Shiny Comicon
This week’s Flashback Friday: Shiny Comicon. Because I’m at the Emerald City Comicon, I don’t have the time to type up a fully fleshed Flashback Friday. Instead, I leave you with an image of my first comicon in 2012. It Read More…

FF: Powerful Women
This week’s Flashback Friday: Powerful Women in Daughter of the Empire by Robert E. Feist and Janny Wurts I’d already read Magician by Feist as well as a few others in the Riftwar Saga, but Daughter of the Empire and Read More…

FF: Passage & Death
This week’s Flashback Friday: Passage by Connie Willis. Passage is a book unlike anything else I’ve ever read by Connie Willis. It’s a profound book that I think everyone should read, but one that shouldn’t be read alone. The title Read More…

FF: Powers That Be
This week’s Flashback Friday: Powers That Be by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Anne Scarborough Anthropomorphism has been used in science fiction and fantasy for…well, as long as the genre has existed. In fact, Aesop’s fables are fraught with it, as Read More…