Norwescon 41 Wrap-Up
This is your Norwescon 41 Wrap-Up! I can’t believe it’s already time for Norwescon! Or at least, I couldn’t believe that last week when I was scrambling to get ready for it. For the first time in 5 years, I Read More…

MNG: Magic the Gathering EDH
This week’s Monday Night Gaming / MNG: Magic the Gathering EDH I’ve been busy enough that tabletop hasn’t been happening much at all (though Magic has), so I’m going to do a bit of a change in review this week by looking Read More…

MNG: Eldritch Moon
This week’s Monday Night Gaming / MNG: Eldritch Moon (Magic: the Gathering) Recently, Wizards of the Coast released the next expansion in its ever-running Magic: the Gathering game entitled Eldritch Moon. Due to my convention/events schedule, we didn’t get the Read More…
M is for Magic!
In today’s continuation of the A-Z Challenge, I give you: M is for Magic! Gaming has been a part of my world since I was a child–back in the day with the King’s Quest series on old 5 1/4″ floppy Read More…

Monday Night Gaming: Dragons of Tarkir
This week’s Monday Night Gaming: Dragons of Tarkir‘s release. This past weekend was the Magic: the Gathering Dragons of Tarkir Pre-Release. Due to my having a book event this weekend, I didn’t have time to play in the pre-release tournament, Read More…

Monday Night Gaming: Fate Reforged
This week’s Monday Night Gaming: Fate Reforged, the newest expansion for the Magic the Gathering card game. Normally I cover tabletop games more than I cover something like Magic, but with the new expansion release, I had to tackle it. Read More…
Monday Night Gaming: Geek Girl Style
We spent this past weekend at Geek Girl Con, which was loads of fun! Think of a con truly for geeks (all genders) that doesn’t have a sizable percentage of attendees thinking that “fake” geek girls exist. I saw people Read More…
DiNozzo says, “No!”
The last four days I spent at the PNWA Writers’ Conference, where my friend and critique group member, Gayle Clemans, had 6 different agents ask for her manuscript (which in the publishing world, is awesome). Between the ‘too busy to Read More…