Scrivener Saturday: Compile Replace
Scrivener Saturday: Compile Replace Built into Scrivener‘s compile feature is the ability to do a Project Replace. Seems like a simple and underused option until you find yourself running into a huge issue that spans both Windows and OS machines–the Read More…

Scrivener Saturday: Word Frequency Redo
[warning]I’ve got a massive writing deadline on 5/15, so this week’s Scrivener Saturday will be a repeat topic. I added more to it though, so enjoy![/warning] Scrivener Saturday: Word Frequency One of the most difficult parts of writing is making Read More…

Scrivener Saturday: Multi-Book Projects
This week’s Scrivener Saturday: Multi-Book Projects & Using Binders to Contain Them. [important]This tip has been edited to demonstrate a shorter, better way to do this. Thanks to Gwen Hernandez, author of the book, Scrivener for Dummies, for the faster Read More…

Scrivener Saturday: Meta-Data
This week’s Scrivener Saturday: Meta-Data. Last week, we covered Keywords, which can be used to help track POV, setting, characters, etc. Scrivener Meta-Data can do the same thing, just a bit differently. I prefer Meta-Data for certain things and keywords for Read More…
Scrivener Saturday: Snapshots
This week’s Scrivener Saturday is on Snapshots, which I feel are the most unrated part of Scrivener. Think of Snapshots like versions or histories of a document. Raise your hand if you’ve used Wikipedia before? (Every hand should be up–I’m looking at Read More…
Scrivener Saturday: Revision Mode
This week’s Scrivener Saturday is on Revision Mode, which has more purposes than just revision. TIP #5: To get to revision mode, go to Format–>Revision Mode, and then choose a revision level (first, second, third, fourth, or fifth). The purpose of Read More…
Scrivener Saturday: Backups to Dropbox
This week’s Scrivener Saturday is on Backups. If I had a dollar for every time an author lost their project/novel, I’d be rich. We’ve all lost something due to hard drive crashes or corrupt USB drives. One of the things Read More…
Scrivener Saturday: Word Frequency
This week’s Scrivener Saturday: Word Count, Word Frequency, and more! One of the most difficult parts of writing is making sure that you use variety in your word choice and avoid redundancy. To help with word choice and word frequency, Read More…
Scrivener Saturday: Name Generator
This week’s Scrivener Saturday: Name Generator! TIP #2: Scrivener has a nifty built-in name generator. It’s not as great as some websites out there, but in a pinch or in a place with no Internet, it’ll do. Just go Read More…
Scrivener Saturday: Reading Out Loud
This week’s Scrivener Saturday: Reading Your Work Out Loud…or at least having Scrivener do it for you! I’m not just a gamer. Or just a writer. I’m also a former programmer and educator, both of which have given me Read More…